Sarah Croscutt

Sarah Croscutt has spent much of her career working in the field of science and outdoor education. Sarah has had many incredible opportunities to design and teach a multitude of creative, experiential programs for all grade levels in an assortment of unique settings. Her goal is to inspire people to action. With a BS degree in Biology and a MS degree in Environmental Science, as well as a deep love for the outdoors, she has cultivated a rich, sacred relationship with the natural world.  Her scientific knowledge, adventures in travel, gardening, and outdoor exploration, as well as her personal journey of healing, are the inspiration for her creative process.  Through her unique perspective, she has created Lessons from Nature, a series of essays connecting readers more deeply to themselves through the natural world. You can connect with Sarah through her blog, From the Outside and on Instagram, sarahc_outside.

“Hidden Life” featured in Gravity's Grave Vol. 2 The World Beneath Our Feet

“The Edge Effect” featured in Wildlife of the Underworld

“Abscission” featured in Autumn Equinox Collection

“The White Oak” featured in Plant People, An Anthology of Environmental Artists