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Lindsey Morrison Grant

Self-identifying as neurodivergent, two-spirit, elder storyteller deeply rooted in the lore and roar that is Portlandia of the Left Coast, The Artist has been challenged, too by cancer and cardiac arrests, finding art-making vital to a myriad of successful recoveries, a wellness regimen, and support system building. The various themes emerge from The Artist's processing of personal experience, thoughts, and feelings about disenfranchisement, invalidation, and marginalization, as well as the power of diversity and inclusion. With variations of the themes Re-purposing/Reinvention/Re-Imagineering, “Once lost, Now found” objects (whether physically or digitally “collected”) are reborn to new life, purpose, and a collaborative voice through the Amazing Grace of reclamation.

“Gracie’s Gift,” featured in Plant People, An Anthology of Environmental Artists